About Me

Somehow or another, you’ve gotten here. Either it’s by way of a social media post, Google, or, probably, I’ve been talking to you on the dating apps and I most likely linked this in my profile to give you a little extra flavor about who and what I am, and boy, are you in for a read.

You don’t have to read this all. In fact, I’d be surprised if you do.
But if you do, I’ll love you all the more for it.

I’m ridiculously eclectic, and as I spend the time to update this page, it will show. I’m going to try to break this up into sections, add hyperlinks to jump between topics, and make this easier to consume in bits.

So, start right here:


Movie Fanatic

Guitar ‘Player’


Computer Programmer

Standup Comedian


Subaru Mechanic

Improv Player

Cliché Divorcée


Camera:NIKON D3000 F-number:f/2.8 Shutter speed:1/30 ISO:900 Date:2024-10-08 18:41:11 Google Map
iPhone 15 Pro Max 2024-09-19 12:39:48 f/1.9 1/60sec ISO-160 2.6900000572505mm Horizontal (normal)