To my fellow employment-seeking associates and otherwise, I offer a link to this article on LinkedIn, written in 2021:

This is currently happening to me from a ‘woman’ named ‘Laura Henry.’
If you read the article, this is one of the names commonly used.
I’m going to simply reply to this email with a PDF claiming to be my resume, including just a screenshot to this article with her name highlighted.
Stay on top of these things.
If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
I’m all about becoming a Chief Information Officer, but nothing in my background points to this as a natural next step, and thus my spidey-sense went up immediately.

Before even finding the article, I asked ‘Laura’ for more details about the nature of the role, as I don’t usually just hand out my details to folks unprompted (for worry, amusingly, of scams).
‘She’ stated she couldn’t share anything more, asking again for my resume.
I then offered to sign a NDA to discuss this, and offered my LinkedIn profile, which I presume is how I was found in the first place. ‘She’ claimed a NDA to be unavailable, and that the resume would be the next steps.

So, now I have to let ‘her’ know the ruse is up.
Stay frosty out there, folks.